Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Time......is ur worst enemy. It is never ur friend. And now u are asking urself what i am talking about. Ill tell you. Time is never ur friend. Think about when you thought time is ur friend......think hard......if u thought of having a good time at ur friends house u r worng.....y? u ask y? because you always think about how much time there is left. What time it is. What time u hafta leave. Now ur thinking i dont get it.........When its time to go u moan.....or if ur having a bad time u find out u have to stay at that damn party for 8 more hours. So.....now u ask y i post this......i post this becuz when u sit in ur pernament seat while all around u girls are talking about where they got their nails done......u start to wondor how much time there is until its ur stop.


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