Paying Attention......To Whom I ask?
Paying attention to someone can be the most annoying thing in all the world. Paying attention in math is easy cuz u never want to be caught by Kallet hald asleep. Maybe your little sister/brother is screaming and yelling to get noticed.Or that other kid at school that runs around yelling peoples names for no apparent reason. It seems that we only pay attention to papers that contain who were going with to Catalina or what scores we got on the tests. I dont think anyone pays attention to the teacher anymore.
For example, in Johnson, i said one bad word by mistake and 10 other ppl are like POTTYMOUTH! POTTYMOUTH! POTTYMOUTH!POTTYMOUTH! POTTYMOUTH! POTTYMOUTH!POTTYMOUTH! POTTYMOUTH! POTTYMOUTH!. The first person to notice this was Julia who hates me for no apparent reason and turns around all the time to say that she hates me.............................and then theres michael. He says crap all the time and yet hes joining Julia and Jordan saying it. Wow, the pottymouth here. And now they pay attention to me? What? just cuz im asain i have to be perfect? o by the way michaels white. Jeez.......and now the "banished me" to the HORRIBLE SHAME TABLE! .............................................yeah. Sure i admit it i said shit when i dropped something but dont tell me u never said anything bad in ur life. Ok, maybe you didnt say shit but i bet u talked bad about some1.
And so we pay attention to the bad stuff that people do............nobody noticed the good in people. Everyone is looking for dirt on that kid. Everyone looks for an excuse to make fun of that girl. Have you ever here of anyone in your school trying to find something good about someone else?......yeah maybe 1 or 2............
Wow, what is the world paying attention to? And i hope it shall be.
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