All Of Them
Patience, endurance, energy, innovation, a sense of reality and time. These are the qualities that make up a human being. Without one, man is incomplete. All living things have these traits, if not than it doesn't have a personality.
Patience is the most common of these. Everyday, people are losing more and more of their patience along with their sense of reality that things take time. Every trait I listed is connected to each other in some way. Innovation creates energy which blocks out the sense of time. A huge amount of patience and endurance is needed, and reality seems to be out of reach for the time being.
This world is looking for the wrong traits. Lust, passion, and physical appearance. It also looks for the wrong things to look at what the people are doing. Guns are allowed for some reason and people shooting them is cool for the world. And yet they kill 10000 US citizens every year.
Actions speak louder than words, true but u need to fit words with actions. No one became famous for being an absolute hypocrite. And yet, thats what most people are nowadays. They talk about it one day, the next they might slightly make a thought about that subject. A week later they don't know what they were even talking about.
Those traits I listed don't come for you. U have to make them yourself. And right about now u probaly think I'm crazy. But you need every one of those traits to lead a decent life.
Patience I already have listed.
Endurance allows you to go for it and not be discouraged by the people that think your crazy. Go for it. U might discover something worthwhile.
Every great scientist was looked down upon. And yet it was their endurance that let them get through life and reach their dreams.
Energy creates the athletic ability and the sense that things don't do stuff by themselves. The more energy you have, the more you can do with it.
Innovation is that thing that creates the energy for you. Innovation is that thing that helps you get through what your doing. Its the reason your even doing it. Its the must have to create an idea to change the world.
A sense of reality is also needed. Reality is a tricky thing. But it can be mastered. Just make sure your not falling into the words of others. Believe in yourself and u believe in reality.
Time, I take back as not always being your enemy. But it is a pain. As kids, they want to be more grown up, faster. And yet its human lust that wants just the opposite when the "used to be little kids" are grandparents. Time is precious. But DO NOT treat as gold, ever lasting and in your possession. Time is your to enjoy, but not possess.
And all of these connect to your life. Life is your, grab it. Life is one big pool that you gotta dive into. The only way in is that tall diving board. Take the plunge. Take it in. Enjoy. And may you live as long as you want, but not want as long as you live.
This is the end of my chapter in my life. And the beginning of the next. When does your life start?
This is Clyde, hoping the world will get better. And so it shall be...........hopefully.
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