Yesterday I talked to my bro and talked About my blog and whats good and bad about it. You can see his comment in the comment section on the "Do it.......dont complain" one. All of the advice I accepted. But it depends on the person. A man who always has a negative perspective on life would take my bros advice as criticism. A man who always has a positive would see the advice as praise. I see it as a gentle gesture of how to make my writing better. I guess u can call me a realist. I prefer to be called a normal man with normal perspectives. Everyone has their little fantasy world in which they wander off to when the teacher starts droning off.
Optimistic and pessimistic can get along. They don't have to hate each other. There is an advantage for being optimistic and theres an advantage for being pessismistic. But it depends on your perspective what advantages each one has. Optimistic people always have the best outcome on their minds. So when they get an A on their test, they're not surprised and are happy. Bad thing about optimists is that when they get C's they are utterly shocked are go crazy at the sight of it. I think this is the biggest drawback.
Pessisism is the fact that ur expecting everything to go wrong. These people are usually scared to get out of the house in fear that theres a sniper just campin in front of their door. But pessisism pays off becuz if they gets C's they dont freak out. They treat like a napkin.........look at it, feel the paper, maybe wipe something up with it, then throw it away. When they get A's they freak out and be happy for at least 5 minutes until their little pessismistic minds think that the teacher graded theirs wrong and they actually got a D.
Biggest drawback of pessisism and big advantage for us. You can borrow money from them and they wont expect you to pay it back....Y? u ask? becuz they are people that close life and keep it in their safe. Along with everything else they dont want stolen by "aliens".
Another example of perspectives is politcs. I personally dont know why anyone would vote for bush. If they do, i respect their vote. If they vote for kerry, i respect them more. On the bus today i heard someone talking about who they would vote for. Then his friend told him that voting information is classified and he shouldnt ask....................ok, i respect that but they choose to tell sharing classifies info on the bus is illigel? Then writing about this is illigel, you know why? Becuz this information is CLASSIFIED!!!!!!!!
Think about your perspectives on life. Think about what you think of everyone else. Think about what ur life looks like. If u cant figure that out, i think your life is CLASSIFIED!!!!
think...........and so it shall be.........
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