It seems that im getting more sued than MJ these days. My "jew" comment has angered many in the community, so Gil has put up a challenge.
in his words, " God vs Rice"- Theres Catholic Azns. And contrast to the legend that we worship rice, thats so much bullshit.
Torah vs Sushi- ??????
Asians vs Jews- The big debated question in my school. Im not going to say were going to lose, but im not going to say were going to win. At school, my daily greeting from most of the smartass are about my eyes and "karate" abilities. And for jews, its about their love for money and penis size. But wait, whose making THESE insults?
THE CALA-BLACKLESS- RICH LITTLE WHITE PEOPLE! So dont blame my little "jew" comment. Blame the white people. It always works. Cept for that time Hitler was in power. That bastard...........
And so we unite, to get the white people.
tsk tsk. i see sumone is very against white ppl,no?dont say im the same way,cuz im not. i jsut said that there are a lot of white ppl, as in they out number us greatly,but never siad that i hated them.seeya laters.
<3 shortestuff
5:46 PM
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