Sunday, January 08, 2006

Organ Donor

Now being finished with NHD, i can now start stressing about other things. ( Like SCHOOL!! HURRAY!!!)

Anyways, being done with all the holiday dances that i had to do, i am now anouncing my first frigging concert.

Remember a long, long, long time ago when i told you guys about how i was taking bok, ( Korea drums?)

Well........i forgot my whole routine over winter break.

And now i find out that i have a performance at the LA ZOO!

And to make matters worse, i have 10 FRIGGIN DAYS TO LEARN MY WHOLE PIECE.

God help me. I put blood into everything i do. But 10 days to learn my whole performance?

I only go to bok lessons once a week for ONE hour. I DONT EVEN HAVE A DRUM AT HOME

Yes, this is truly a troubling chapter for Clyde. Holy shit, Clyde is talking in 3rd-person. Clyde really needs a break.

And if you seriously want to go all the way to LA Zoo to see my humiliating concert, bring 10 bucks and a camera.

Oh yeah, i forgot........i have to wear pink


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooo so thats why u asked me how much i would pay to see u in a pink interesting..haha well anyway now u kno how i feel at dance..we do about a performance a week..after we perform we learna new one for the next week..bwahahaha...T_T

<3 toree

4:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

take a picture for kathy. you wont be that bad...

8:59 PM


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