Monday, December 19, 2005


When i was a little boy of 5, my mom took me to Burlington Factory, where i expeirienced my first escalator. I loved these things. I was fascinated by being able to move and just stand. Even better at Burlington Factory, there was 2 sets that go up and down right next to each other.

So one day, i asked my mom if i could just stay at the enterance while she goes shopping for shoes. She spotted a guard nearby reading the newspaper, so she agreed.

Being only 5, the escalators for me were the equilvalent of roller coasters and Magic Mountain. I just stepped off one and jump on the other. I started skipping on the steps, even though i couldve died.

I tripped and banged my knee on the bottum. I didnt cry. I didnt care. I happily jumped on the one going up.

Finally after 30 minutes or so, the guard finally saw what i was doing and told me to scram. I sulked back up to car and waited.

Now i come back to Burlington after the longest friggin time.

Its still fun riding the escalator.

And so it shall be..........


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha i would always be that one kid thats walking downward on the escaltor thats going upward...bwaha

<3 toree

10:59 PM

Blogger max said...

i tried that and fell on my ass. >.<

8:18 PM


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