Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Remember The Times

Remember that huge 1/2 gallon jug i bought at KFC on the way to Yosemite? I think i lost it.

Remember when i said i would shave my head bald? My mom wouldnt let me.

Remember when i said i would wear a beanie someday? Im still going to do it...........someday

Remember when we all heard of Eminem and proceeded to talk about how great he is? I still think hes great.

Remember when we all looked forward to sitting in the back of the bus? We are now.

Remember when i was going through a "OMG! LOL!ROFL!LMFAO!" phase? I hated that.

Remember when the only show we knew about was pretty much the Simpsons? I hate it now.

Remember when people's favorite colors was either blue or green? Green is still my favorite color.

Remember when we thought High School was a place of magical runes and evil teachers? It is...........

Remember the times..............

And so it shall be.


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