Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Bill Nye and Pedophiles

Bill Nye is very.....shrewd.

In Buetel, we watch numerous Bill Nye videos, which are quite entertaining.

But on episode made me question the ethics of our favorite science guy.

There’s this scene where a bunch of little kids and a grown man are getting fish. Nothing even remotely suspicious happens.

Then, out of the blue, the guy whips out a knife and slices the fish's gut open, letting out a barrage of orange eggs.

"This is a female salmon" He states plainly to the small boys and girls. " The eggs are unfertilized, now we are going to fertilize them."

He has the girls hold a male salmon, holds a cup underneath the fish, and slices where a fish's balls ( if any) are. It looked something like this, except instead of a small paper cup, its a large plastic bucket, and its not a stream, its like a goddamn milk carton.

A grown man, with a bunch of little kids, slicing open fish to collect sperm. A little girl off to the side was smiling as she was watching the waterfall of fish semen fall into the bucket. I just thought that was wrong. I winced in pain as they sliced open fish after fish.

Would you want this man to be at your typical 5-year old birthday party?

And so it shall be........


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