Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Im tired, i had 4 tests and 4 more tomorrow. Its midnight, and i spent the whole day studying and preparing for every single shitty thing i need to do.

I plop down down on my bed, switch off the lights, and yank the sheets over me and relax into the comfort of the matress.

And i hear human breathing two feet away.

I dont scream, instead, insticnt takes over as i jump out of bed, grabbing a flashlight and a Swiss Army knife my brother got me while at Switzerland.

I stand ready, with the liaght on, looking around.

There nothing. I can hear my heart beating, im pretty spooked.

I look out the window, check outside my door, and even check under my bed. Yes, thats right, under my bed.

Satisfied it was just my imagination, i scramble back under the covers, this time with my flashlight in my hand and my knife on the table next to me.

I hear the breathing again. I turn on the flashlight and look all around me, scared that something will pop out at me.

I look up, and see that my window is creaked open a bit, and the wind is blowing.

............im too mad to even shut the window, i fall asleep immediatly.

I wake up, and literally roll out of bed. As i roll, my face collides with a my metal flashlight. I went to the mirror with the impression of the flashlight grip on my forehead.


And so it shall be......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha i can imagine clyde in his footy jammies spinning in circles and clutching the baby blanket. aww...hah sucker.

4:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was me,toree, in case u couldnt tell

4:16 PM


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