Saturday, March 08, 2008


Something has been missing from my latest posts. Something that is very small and may not matter to the reader, but does me me.

I have been neglecting my usual ending phrase: "And so it shall be..."

Why is that? Bored in my Pierce College Psychology class, i pondered this reason.

1. Its just a phrase.

2. It shouldn't matter if I use it or not. The content is important, not the conclusion itself.

3. I should not miss it, and neither should the readers.

But somehow it feels like I'm obligated to end my posts with the same phrase i was using about 3 years ago. Hm, what is this? A progression? An evolution? Maybe.

I can safetly assume that my writing style has changed over the years. Is it so shocking that i choose to leave out a writing mechanic that i have used before?

Hmmmm, why the pondering over a simple matter of a simple phrase? Maybe i consider it my own personal call-off sign. Therefore, losing this phrase is losing my own sense of personal identity.

On to other matters.

I am going to experiment. Next post will be a short story.

"Why We Don't Go to Ravenholm"

And so it shall be...


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