Last the Longest
I hate long drives. So as i embarked on my 6 hour to San Fran to meet my bro, i was feeling like shit all the way. And along the way we did smell cow shit. I was so bored, i even counted the farms we passed by. I think i got 238........i lost count after 32 minutes....But it was worth it. All the movies you can watch and one big ass comp with a damn good graphics card. So i couldnt sleep in San Fran.
So......i did it in the car. And sleeping in the car is fine at night, but after you take a nap in the car in day, you feel sand in your face. Your eyelids are stuck in place. I dont mean like waking up and wanting to go back asleep stuck. I mean fucking stuck, as in if i wanted to see roadkill after the 200 mile mark, i couldnt. So yeah, i got my share of dead rabbits and dogs along the way.
god i hate long drives............And so it shall be
umm...i think im gunna stop leacing comments now. y? pretty sure that the things taht i say are kinda dumb....that they only sound good in my head so im just nto gunna commment....though i kno that im gunna be so temted mee alst commment rite here. dead dogs?? aaawww! how sad!
<3 shortestuff
7:06 PM
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