Sunday, January 22, 2006

Back in Black

At the LA Zoo this weekend, i did my first show as a korean drummer.

Apparently, my clothing was actually mainly black, not the pink i descibed earlier.

Anyways, it was great.

I had to leave my house at 1:00, get to the zoo, sign in, dress, and perform for Saturday and Sunday.

And i got home around 6:00.

It was fun though.*

* All comments made by Clyde in this blog entry should not be taken seriously and therefore, should not be mentioned ever again.........starting now.

And so it shall be......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ur performance went well??haha good!how odd that i had a performance on saturday too...har har...anyway...goodluck on yur next one.

<3 toree

9:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

did u do good? did u have to wear a dress?

3:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

u know...i notice that u dont update as often anymore.

7:43 PM


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