Tuesday, June 20, 2006

It........has HAPPENED!!!.....well, kinda

Ok, i got a myspace.

Wait!!, Before you all yell at me for dissing this ever-growing website, lemme say that it is not just mine.

I'm sharing this myspace with a very special girl. One that has changed my life forever. She is the reason why i cant fall asleep, and the same reason why i get up in the morning.

This myspace is with my girl Kelsey.

Love you.

Ok, enough with the lovey dovey stuff, heres the URL.


Dont worry, a REAL story will come soon.

I swear, i mean it this time.

A real story, coming soon.

Im serious.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww thats cute =]
myspace sucks though

5:18 PM


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