Friday, June 23, 2006

Its Freshmen Year!!!!

Well, i have already started high school.

For summer school.

And i already know high school is going to kick ass. I met all of my friends from middle school when i was in 6th and 7th grade. Everyone changed, and everything is different now. I am no longer the pudgy fob-ish asian kid when i entered the doors of middle school. I have ended this 8th grade year with pride, with better clothes, and a little more dignity. I enter high school a changed asian.

You want an example on how i changed? Well, I HAVE A FUCKING MYSPACE NOW!!!!

Remember the good old days where i used to rant about the hideous evils of Myspace and how that i hate it with a passion? Remember the good old days where i used to preach my opinions as if i was always right?

Well, maybe they're not the good old days anymore, but im out of that phase now.

So, as i pass through these high school halls, i come back home to recollect. As i shift through my previous years at my other schools, i laugh and shove them back onto the bookshelves to collect dust. The chapters of my elementary and middle school days are now legends.

I dont know how these new high school chapters are going to reveal themselves. All i know are that they are not meant for my or your eyes. The book is being written by the divine, i just hope someone up there likes me right now.

And so it shall be.........


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