Willpower is a comforting thing to have. Unfortanatly, most people dont have enough. This is caused by the fact that there are many things that dont use any will at all. And so when a person needs the will to go on in life there isnt any. Will is something that is something that has to be constsantly stretched to keep in shape.
Will is needed at the crucial times at the day where everything goes wrong.
EX. You spend your sunday morning typing up a blog and when you go to publish it you interenet breaks down and you see your blog go off the moniter and go straight to blogger hell.
This happened to me. So now i must re-type this whole entry. But thankfully i have the will to type until my fingers hurt like hell and my eyes water from looking at the moniter too much.
And people..........when they lose their jobs they need to get off the couch, turn of the TV, walk out the door and see what they can still do with the will they still have. Or if you always had straight A's and you go to college and u see a B, you dont commit suicide, you see what you can do about that B and how to raise it up to an A. I seriosuly heard stories where a student commit suicide just cuz they saw a B.
So make sure that what you do contantly takes up your will. Becuz at the crucial times where everything goes wrong ull see your will crying with you..............and so it shall be
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