Most people would define freedom as ' the ability to freely express yourself' I see something more than just a priviledge in freedom. Freedom is what holds our hopes and our newly thought ideas. It provides a sense of reality. It makes things easier in the world to do.
But freedom usually comes with age. Drive when your 16, or is it 18 now? Damn government, why 18 now? Whats next, censors on the newspapers? Jeez, let a teen drive, will ya. Anyways the more older you are, the more freedom you have because people expect you do treat that freedom with responsibility. And sont treat freedom as an asset. Yeah, you can have freedom to do things but it can still be taken away from you. So, give thanks to the police men that make sure the gangs that have too much freedom stay in check. And the soildiers for fighting for ours. Its a world that still doesnt have freedom, but we do. And we do.
and so it shall freely be............
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