Tuesday, March 08, 2005


In Werber, we have these two desks in the back. We refer to these desks as the Isolation desks. "Who sits there?", you ask. ill give you 2 guesses. If you dont get it right then , then you dont know me at all.

Anyways, i got pissed since i was the closest to the door. So, i got fed up and when someone entered the room i said , " Welcome to Wal-Mart" Naturally the teacher got pissed and gave me trash pickup. Yeah, i got her little thank-you note in Spanish.

Welcome to Wal- Mart..........

And whats wrong with changing one or two of my good bye sign?

you got any more problems like this, email me at thecoll1de@hotmail.com . Dont bother me with spam and stupid shit like that though.

And so it shall be...................are you really happy tori?


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