Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Welcome, Welcome to Hell

I'm going to hell. I know i am. I misbehave in class, constantly talking, constantly having to defend myself for some reason. Usually i go too far when i do defend. Constant killing time, constant delay. Constantly having to do some stupid things cuz of what i did in the cafeteria. I'm sure Dante reserved a special place for me in his inferno. For those of you too shallow to comprehend what i am saying, basically im gonna go to the deepest level of hell.

Yeah, im gonna be shot and wakeup at the Gates. When i go up to Peter and tell him my name, im gonna be pushed down a burning chute where i get my ass burned. And when i reach the bottom, i get given 5 rooms of torture.

As for right now, i have been give the 12 days of trash pick-up. Eternally bogged down with quesions like , "Whatcha do? Whatcha do?" As for those people, just put the trash in the bag and go to hell. I'll meet you at the reception hazing.

I already figured out the system and how i could avoid pickup up trash and doing my time quickly. Anyways...........bottom line is, theres gonna be a welcome mat with my name on it in hell. Its gonna say, "For the Asian who couldn't shut up" And then im gonna look up and get a mouthful of shit. Yay, my bunk is right below Moses's toilet.

Why im writing about this...........i dont really know. I need a break from all that wise shit.

Hell.....And so i shall be there


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