Thursday, October 06, 2005

Dont Bring it in

Our history teacher likes to, well...teach history. But more than that, he likes to give us his views on the government.

"You know kids, when Katrina striked the people, the government didnt help them, the Red Cross did. Dont count on the government to give you food and water, bring your own food and water"

"Know what senator represents you. And know who in congress represents you"

"You know, in places in North Korea................( here everyone stares at me.........cant blame them)..................people dont have those kind of rights."

"You can never have a Republican vote against the Republican president, and thats why Congress will never agree with each other"

Who cares? Whats the difference between reublican and democrat anyways?


Dont bring it in the classroom.

Politics suck. I dont care anymore.

And so it shall be.........


Blogger Ryan said...


5:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darn Demorat, you just don't understand, do you? It's the democrats who tell that they're democrats, not republicans who tell they're republicans. Just shut up, and keep your politics to yourself.

3:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought that was the whole point of the post? Or are you a hypocrite?

7:07 PM


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