Sunday, September 04, 2005

Childhood Choices

Now that a look back at the toys i played with as a kid, and looked at others toys people had, every toy had an influence on someone. And parents, thinking their getting the right toys for their kids, are actually dooming them to a life of routine.

For example, when i was about 8, i remember seeing on a news program that parents were concerned about boys playing with barbies. Being quite gullible, i concluded that the parents were concerned that boys wanted to play with Barbies cause they wanted to be like them. The parents then bought big, strapping, heroes to rectify their behavior. I thought that was a good idea.

Now, im rethinking this. And i realized that the parents, and i, were horribly wrong. Let them play with barbies. Better be interested in girls and grow up straight that to hold a half naked- hulking madman in your hand.

The best toy for a little boy.

And then parents were concerned with girls playing with trucks. One of the parents, if i remember correctly said " Girls should play with their own toys of gender. Girls that play with trucks are more likely to do blah blah bullshit coming from my own mouth."

Ok, sure. Instead of a modest truck, lets give them some fancy convertable that teaches our generation that money is what shows people how good of a person you are. Yes, lets let them bask in the warm rays of knowledge that cars and money are what matter in life.

I grew up with legos. Lots and lots of legos. Which now i conclude to be one of the better toys. Why? I dont know. Let your inner child find out.

I burst out laughing when i thought it over for the first time.

And so it shall be..............


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