Friday, August 12, 2005

Osama the Allah

In the morning, i had to vacuum the whole house. Whenever its a free morning, my mom automatically makes me work the house. So while dragging the 10 year old metal piece of crap, i started thinking, what is Osama Bin Laden was a pop star. I thought about it, then laughed myself shitless. You know how pimp that would be?

Featuring 'Osama the Allah', and famous sound artist, 'Suicide Bombings'

That is the shit. That would be awesome. If he made a CD, i'd buy it. You know what it would sound like? It would have him saying 'allah' a couple hundred times while suicide bombing go off in the backround. Can you imagine what the music video would be like??????

While i was thinking this and enjoying my useless thoughts, i ran over my foot with the vacuum. But still, i wondor what it would be like if he was a rap artist. AHAHAHA. And Bush was his rival.

Featuring his newest Album : I AM NOT A PUPPET!

Jeez, that would rock. ACDC is dick cheney, and suddam hussien is tommy lee jones!

And so it shall be...........


Anonymous Anonymous said... one commented...u have no friends! o special my own way!! yes!! i luv being retarted!! seriously...u cant be mature all the time...or life would be no fun!! so u know what, u should get a life!! hahaha mwaaaah!! i rock peas on my head but dont call me a pea head!!! wait u know what im gonna stop cuz obviously u have no fun or life watching ANDY MILONOKIS!!! u would be so cool if u actually watched it!! I rock bees on my head but dont call me a bee head!! hahaha mwaaah lol!! im so hyper! bye!

8:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You spelled Saddam and Hussein incorreclty you know. You spelled Saddam with a u, and I is before e, except when you spell saddam's name, because then you spell it e is before I.

8:25 AM

Blogger thecoll1de said...

thank you jlee

12:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAFAO that was one of the funniest posts I have seen on somebody's blog in a long time. As for that Sam person... wow, I don't even know what to say about you...

9:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that supposed to be funny or something?

10:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey..jlee do u spend all ur time jst looking for litte gay grammar and stuff, thats pretty retarted. atleast u knew what he was talkin about! wow! ....and whos this sam person! she seems kinda cool!

4:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanx anonymous!

4:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

is it just me, or is it suspicious that anonymous and Sam's comments were made in the same exact minute?

5:37 PM


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