Thursday, July 21, 2005

The Big Red Flag

Got Rice?

When i went to the local korean barber and sat down on the couch, i noticed a headline on the magazines.

Richard Benson wants to bring Chinese cars into America

Wait....China can build cars? Last time i checked, China was a poor, 3rd world country that only strength was mass production, now their making cars? Damn.

Then i thought about this. I applied cause and effect on this and then gasped at the result. Chinese cars are 4x cheaper than any other company cars. Because China can produce cars quickly and cheaply, they get more money. Within time, China will be the new world superpower.

I looked over the Korean newspaper for more info on the rising red. A sock company begged Bush to not buy socks from China, cuz their asses were getting fired. White people in America are now taking Chinese lessons.

I remember when i was still little, i was always riduculed for my slanty eyes and short, black hair. The meek shall inherit the Earth.

Hail Taegukki, the Rising Sun, and the Red Flag........and so i salute thy


Blogger max said...

yeah a lot of americans are worried about china amassing too much power. After all they would be able to generate the largest army and their war technology isn't that bad. BOW DOWN!

10:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the hell?! a lot of chiina is a 3rd world country! they couldn't... if they did start a war, us yanks could just send a polaris sub their and nuke their sorry asses.i doubt they would be able to afford to build counter-measures. America is the world's last remaining superpower and its here to stay!

2:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

im sorry, i dont speak asshole language

2:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

(sigh)ok mr anonymous hu doesnt speat ashole.
Polaris is a submarine armed with nuclear missiles, counter measures are used when under missile atack to prevent the missile from reaching their target(anti-missile flares), and yanks are yankess are americans. retard

12:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

so u admit ur an asshole........asshole!

1:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

u dont even kno hu i am. u cant call a total stranger an asshole. for all u kno, i could be donating to the homeless shelter or an orphanage. im just stating facts

9:32 PM


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