Monday, July 11, 2005

Kill Point

Today was my first day in Kumdo- Korean Sword Technique. The master was kind but serious. He instructed with a authority that controlled the entire class. It was a small class, just 5 of us. But his eyes watched our every motion. In Kumdo, the main key is the step. In TKD, the main key is timing and power, so i didnt really get it. Until the master took it upon himself to rid me of my movement problems. He took my gog-gum, my practice sword, and placed it right below his Adam's Apple. Now i dont think you need to be a Martial Art Master to realize that this is the most vulnerable place on a humans body and the most deadly place to strike.

I know he knows this. " Relax" he says calmly, " If you tense up you will kill me"

Those were his exact words. Blunt, yet he makes his message clear. My arm muscles start to harden, then slowly loosen.

"Step forward, remember, relax"

My gog-gum still placed, i slowly walk towards him and he slowly walks backward. My fingers want to grip harder because of the pressure, but i will it away. My concentration is on the tip of the blade. We slowly advance to the end of the room, and i withdraw my weapon.

" Remember, relax, and step forward, if you tense, you will fall short, and the enemy will have a clear shot at your head."

I slowly nod my head, and practice while he goes on instructing the other students. Today was a lesson i would not forget soon. The class ends, after meditation, i look back at my master. His face is still stern, but more relaxed. "Thank you master" I say in korean. I exit the dojang, with new knowledge at my fingers.

And so it shall be.............


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