Monday, July 04, 2005

My Cruise

Well, in the 3 days that i went on the ship, we went to Mexico. Yup, we went across the border and became tourists in the city. I'll tell you one thing, Mexico is NOT for children. In every store theres some picture of a sex scene or a naked women. Plus, there a lot of shit around.
Yup, as i said, a lot of shit.
These guys are entirely made out of paper.
America isnt the only country that loves Viagra
Hell, some teenage kid handed me this little slip thingy.
Mexicans love donkeys.....................and placing balls everywhere in the city.

I remember seeing a lot of tequila glasses with sex positions on the front. Im not kidding, theres porn on the cups.

One other main attraction of Mexico are the Chicklet kids. Man, the chicklets kids........................all they do is run around begging people to " BUY MY CHICLETS!!!!" And if you dont they get a rock and throw it at you and yell out something in spanish. Other than the poor, withered old women that lie dying on the street with a cup that only has a nicklel in there, the cruise was fun.

BUY MY CHICKLETS!!!!!..............and so it shall be


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey i also went to mexico. it pretty much sucked. pretty much everything you said was true...except for the kids...thats just mean. the tour that we went with was all chinese! they only translated two sentences for us!!O_o

thats all for now...

<3 shortestuff

11:47 AM


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