Tuesday, June 28, 2005


My dad has worked dedicated for his company for 10 years. Never missed a single day of work, works every shift. My dad one helluva worker. So in order to justify 10 years, HAAS has decided to give our family a cruise. When my dad came up all tired and had a smile on his face from 14 hours, i knew something happened.

In Korean he shouted," WE'RE GOING ON A CRUISE!"

In my mind im thinking two things at the same time." YEAH!!!!................awwwww fuck"

Whenever something big happens, theres one thing to be certain, i work my ass off. Sitting on the couch, i hear the inevitable," Clyde, do the paperwork"

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. I go to my room while my dad hands me one huge booklet. Trudging up to my room with a pen and a light, i proceed to work out every contract and agreement. Seeing that i need to do more registration online, i groan. Reluctantly, i turn on the comp and proceed to do the forms. Using Mountain Dew as my juvenile coffee, i keep my eyes open and keeping typing the damn passports and such.

Finally i end the forms, print out the passes, and once again flip through the pages again. I missed something. Shit. Looks like i have more booking to do.

Damn paperwork..............and so it shall be


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehhehehe.........clyde this is a kute blog well......i couldnt ignore are friends xanga to look so ugly so..........im gonna fix it hahahaha

10:01 PM


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