The Other Side
Life can be hell. Today was one of those days where you wondered if God was taking a day off. When i was getting the morning Korean newspaper, i saw some birds with some babies following behind. Cute, i thought. Without warning, a black pickup truck whizzed by, not knowing any of the chicks were there. I just stood there, newspaper in hand............sickened by the red and brown spot on the street. I turn, and go back into the house.
Yeah, today was one of those days where nothing seems right. I was bored, flipped on the news while popping a Mountain Dew. Watched murder story, after murder story, after kidnapping story, after sexual assualt story. I sigh, turn the TV off, and go decide to finally walk the dog.
Walking the whole 2 miles around the neighborhood, i decide to wander off to another nieghborhood, where i see a stray dog with a chain around the neck. It growls at me, and wonders off looking for something to scavenge.
I wonder why these things happen, and pity the unfortunate. I remember a line from something a read.
' Life is like the back of a tapestry, its a mess, it has no order or meaning. But every once in a while God lets you see the other side, and it all makes sense. No one is unimportant. We all play a part in designing life’s tapestry. You never know what your effect on people is going to be. When you think the world is ugly, makes no sense, remember there is always another side. If you’re lucky God will grant you a peek'
Walking back up the hill, i see a bunch of kids playing frisbee with their dogs. Nearby, a baseball game goes on. The sunlight hits the trees at an angle and then shines on the grass. I let my dog go run in the park. On this fateful day where nothing seems right, i catch a peek on the other side.
And its beautiful
i really like the last paragraph...dunno why
11:23 PM
wow- that't good writing clyde. For some reason, it inspired me to go play a shooting game...
And so it shall be.
12:00 PM
two things: I bet your dog ran away for a good reason, and u spelled neighborhood incorrectly once. lol
6:17 PM
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