In Terms of Black and White
White people love black people. No.....seriously.......white people LOVE black people. Even after torturing them to pick thorns in the fingers and have lashes on their backs white people have the incredible ability to mimick them.
Something like that happened with Korea and Japan. After the Japanese made a suprise attack on us and made us slaves, we werent freed until Hiroshima got bombed. After that, yeah, Japan and Korea were allies........well, until now that Japan is trying to cover up their WWII act. Now its Korea and China.
But when Japan and Korea were good friends we hated each other. We always tried to best each other. Samsung and Sony was our two electronic indrustries that went at it. Samsumg was the Korean was of saying " FUCK YOU!"
And yet white people mimick them. I bet most white people will admit that they love black culture more than theirs. I have never heard about anymore more of white culture than Barbeques, drinking, and materialistic greed. And then the rest of it is intertwined with black culture.
Have you ever hear someone say something like ' G G G G G-UNIT!"
I have. In real life and in the Chappelle show. God bless Chappelle show.
Next white person saying that get a punch in the groin. Speaking of groin, i have also heard the phrase, "I'm black from the hips down"
I have seen Asians being white, white being black, asians being black, black being asian, but never white being asian. Sorry Mexico, i dont know the story about you guys. Other than the relentless jokes about you made by the white man........
Remember, everyone has their way of saying FUCK YOU! Asians got brains, black got balls, mexicans got brawn, and americans, yeah, i think beer would do it.
In terms of black, white, yellow, tan, and brown.....and so it shall be
Y do u say bad words all the time? I mean, seriously! Could u at least, for one day in your life not be so profaine?
9:20 AM
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