Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I Am Officially Pissed

Lately ive been pissed off at stupid comments. Lesserchild..........shut up. No seriously. Your comments are usually, OMG HE SPELLED SOMETHING WRONG! Let me give an ex.

Where did the $3.26 come from? The water bill? The dry cleaning bill? what? Do I have to pay to sit in the bathroom now? wow, I'd rather just watch it on DVD.

I swear, I love making fun of this blog. by the way, what is "knmow"? Oh... ANOTHER SPELLING MISTAKE LOL! It's spelled k-n-o-w. I don't KNOW (highlight that) where the m came from, but, oh well.

two things: I bet your dog ran away for a good reason, and u spelled neighborhood incorrectly once. lol

I am Anonymnous, lol. But, since u didn't listen to "Ryan", u can continue thinking someone else is.

lol. correction: "he wore pink

Yes, im serious. These are actually comments. Look around my blog, youll see them on some entries. Others like this and more are fucking pissing my off. Yeah, thats right. YOUVE OFFICIALLY PISSED ME OFF.

I bet they're going to make some shitty comment again. Whatever, im too tired to write anymore. Its weird, they make stupid comments and then they steal my 'and so it shall be' quote.

Bastards...........yeah go ahead, make fun of 'and so it shall be'..............and so it shall be


Blogger max said...

DOWN WITH LESSER CHILD! i would help you kill him but at the moment I'm kinda indisposed

8:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I don't make stupid comments...often

10:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

no one said that u made stupid comments... all I can say is that Lesser Child is a nice gut, and you shouldn't kill him, because that would be mean and it's illegal.

Anonymous has spoken

6:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:44 PM

Blogger Ryan said...

and so it shall be

6:59 PM

Blogger Ryan said...

But seriously Clyde, did you actually go to the effort of drawing something and copying it into the pc? Globalization is closer than I thought...

7:06 PM


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