Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Half-Life 2

When im bored..........or hungover, nothing helps my drunk ass better than a game of Half-life 2. This game is the best game ever. Much better than Halo 2 or any other GTA. The pictured below are the pics i took ingame, with a press of a button, i am able to express my more crazy fights.

Guards about to get their heads blown off from behind.

Zombie about to be blown apart.
Fuck, im screwed.........

If i get better pictures ill post them for a random thing.......

And so i got killed by a flying rocket...........


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i havent played #2 but im in love with half life one...even for game made in like 95-96' its pretty good...and cool too

5:05 PM

Blogger Ryan said...

Seriously Clyde, no one cares about Half-Life 2; WoW was best PC Game (and game overall) last year by far.

8:07 PM

Blogger thecoll1de said...

seriously kid, i dont think anyone gives a shit.

9:08 PM

Blogger Ryan said...

Kid??? What are you, my grandpa?

7:48 AM

Blogger thecoll1de said...

nope, imm ur daddy

10:44 AM


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