I am a racist if......
Yup, youve heard the news everybody, im racist. Despite the fact that the 'Dave Chapelle's show' is all about making fun of black people, when Dave Chapelle, is black, this show is one of the most popular on CC. And despite the racism from Maddox, millions of people come to his website. Im not shitting you, millions.
South Park, they make fun of asian people. I remember when they made fun of the small penis stereotype of asians. But you know what? I DONT FUCKING CARE!!!!
Nigger, chink, gook, round eye, sand nigger, spics, nips. There, i think i have said every race in the unproper way.
Guess where i got this from? Thats right russian, the god damn best web page in the universe.
Thats classic. Now i wondor, will you still bitch about my website.
Most likely yes, cuz your all a bunch of niggers, chinks, spics, nips, russians, gooks..........................
And so im racist............bite me you damn republicans.......
It's Wonder, not wondor. I'm back in Business!
8:54 AM
u missed japs, thats wat americans called japanese ppl during WWII
7:43 PM
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