Friday, September 16, 2005

Pledge of Defiance

School starts. The guy on the intercom tells us to put our right hand over our hearts......ready, begin. As usual, i begin my pledge, but not the Pledge of Allegiance that i grew up knowing. Its my own pledge.

I vowed that i would not say the Pledge of Alliengiance until America has Bush out of office and that we no longer have a movie star running California.

Anyways, when i started my own pledge, i noticed i said it a little too loud. The biggest signal was when Katie shot a look at me and questioned me like a foreign immagrant," What did you say?"

I smiled and sat back down while Rohit, one my good friends that already know my little pledge, turns around and starts reciting my speech. He doesnt get to finish, because i cut him off. Katie still glares at me like i just crossed the border.

Ive been saying it for about 2 years now. Lots of people confront me as a hypocrite. ' If you dont like America, why dont you move out of the country?'

Because America might change for the better of worse. And i want to stick around for what happens next. Its like watching a bad movie. You hate it, but you just want to see what the ending turns out to be.

And so it shall be............


Blogger max said...

bush is half a horse's ass and a cowboy hat. Enough said.

2:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's so true.

6:10 PM


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