Thursday, September 08, 2005

Looking Poor Is Lookin' Good

For some reason that i cannot comprehend, the newest trend for rich people is..........looking poor. Thats right you heard me, and i have the evidence to prove it. Hobo gloves. Gloves with the finger cut right off. Ive seen someone at school purposely cut off each leather finger. Tear off a finger, ill give you the finger.

Faded and ripped jeans. Now people who BUY faded and ripped jeans should die. My jeans are ripped because i fell on the pavement and skidded, which made a quarter-sized hole. My jeans are faded probaly because ive worn them for about 2 years. The ends are a little torn because i always step on them. But i remember one time, a girl was ripping out the edge of her jean skirt and then tearing out the pockets.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask casually and glance at the frayed edges.

"Im making them torn, it looks better" she replied coolly.

In my mind " the fuck?"

And yes, people who already have little holes in their jeans are now ripping them wider.
Whoopee, faded just for your convienience

And then my favorite, the boots. Yup, boots. Girls love these HUGE boots that are basically a fluffy version of raincoat boots. And yet, last year, even though they were problay heavy and hot like hell, people persisted to wear these mammoth feet of hell.

When i was eight, the only way i say these things was when i went downtown. Now MTV makes a hugh leap, and then decides to make everything black.


If your jeans rip, because they just do. I dont care. If you buy jeans ripped...........well, thats just idiotic. Who wants pre-destroyed clothes? Whats next, stabbed furniture?

Wow.....and so it shall be


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, i personally like torn-up jeans but really the only reason why people wear them right now is because they're trendy and hold the coveted "vintage" look thats popular right now... anyways, i do agree with the whole ugg boots thing, they are the ugliest looking boots i have ever seen in my existance.

4:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol. I just ware the clothes I'm given, and don't rip them up. I personnally wonder why people like it like that.

8:22 PM


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