Summer School
Ok, summer school, good for two things, killing brain cells and.....jsut killing you in general.
Mrs. Olson is officially the most annoying/pissy/always on her period teacher i have ever had.
I though Wade was bad. Wade WAS bad, but not because she was annoying, but because she just couldnt teach. A normal workday in her class was daydreaming while she handed out worksheets and worksheet just so that we would have something to do and shut up while she checked her email.
Yeah, Wade was boring and almost impossible to stay awake in, but at least Wade left us alone.
Olson, doesnt. Its Wednesday morning. I'm tired because of the party at Cara's/Roy's house and im sure everyone else has done something similar.
Therefore, we're all tired and just dont want to do any kind of shit. As soon as i put my head down, just like 8 others are currently doing, she yells out " STAY AWAKE OR GO HOME! YOU HAVE WORK TO DO! IF YOU DIDNT GET ENOUGH SLEEP JUST GO HOME AND DONT BOTHER TO COME BACK THE NEXT DAY!"
Needless to say, we all groggily rose from out desks and proceeded to do a word search that lay out in front of us.
When we're watching videos, we cannot say a word. We cant even ask a question. If the videos were actually interesting, i wouldnt care, but they werent, so yeah, i care.
Case in point, when Jed asked me why i even took summer school, i cooly replied , "Dude, im Asian, you think i had a choice?"
And so it shall be.......
a ha, the old im asian i dont have a choice escape. classic. ditto man. summer...not my number one choise, heck it wasnt even my 71st choice. aw well. atealst we're stuck in it together rite? wait, is that a good thing?
<3 toree
9:05 PM
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