Sunday, September 24, 2006


It was a cloudy day, a day to be enjoyed in the state of California. But not us. Channel Islands was coming, and we were strecthing for the big game.

It was our first home-football game for our school, and our first football game for some of us.

The lockers were quiet and solemn. Straps were adjusted, belts were tightened, and prayers were made. We ran out on the field while the buses from Channel pulled up.

Our team and theirs both marched onto the field. I'm part of the KOR team, which means i get the honor of being in the first play of the game.

As i stand on the 50 yard line, i wait for the kickoff.

As i stand there, i think to myself:

This is going to be a good day for football.

Edit: We won 33-14

Monday, September 04, 2006


It feels as if ive hit a break in all of this. In the midst of everything in my life, i find it to be very laidback right now. Even though i have honors classes to study for, football plays to learn, and performances to give, i dont feel any pressure.

Its like everything is preparing for something more hectic. Or maybe im wrong, and its giving me a break that i dont want.

Maybe this is just to haunt me, and to see what i would do.

So lets enjoy this interlude, listen to it finish, and then get on with the rest of the show.

And so it shall be.........

Saturday, September 02, 2006

So It Begins

A new school, and already so much has already happened.

I'm the freshman team Fullback, 1st string, Blue Offense, which im damn proud of.

Im in all honors classes, which i wish i wasnt in, but still proud of.

A lot of stuff has changed for me, and im pretty sure its not going to stop here.

And so it begins now, a new year full of everything a freshman could want. Or hate.