Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Lost Art

A part of me has been severed. No longer will this passion of mine be able to create a melody in which I can express myself. The strings of the piano downstairs will stay ever quiet.

I have decided to stop having piano lessons.

Even though now I have no official training, I will put my 10 years of previous learning to learn the works of Chopin, Mozart, and Bach on my own.

It will be a tougher road without the help of my piano teacher. This is more a tribute to my years with her than anything else. I think her patient teachings and constant reminders to "put a sharp on the D" created the pianist I am instead of the innate talent I was born with.

I will miss her and the lessons I learn while under her wing.

During the phone conversation in which I informed her I would stop taking lessons, she asked to keep in touch. No doubt I will.

I now look at my title and think it's misleading. You cannot lose a talent.

I will never forget to play piano. I will never forget my teacher.

Play on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Clyde,

A few comments: first, I hope you're serious about continuing to practice. I think you'll thank yourself later if you keep it up.

Here are some areas that you should consider addressing in future posts:

Why so serious? Not that I don't believe giving up lessons isn't a big step for you, but your tone seems a bit too dramatic for someone who liked but probably didn't LOVE playing the piano in the first place.

"Even though now I have no official training, I will put my 10 years of previous learning to learn the works of Chopin, Mozart, and Bach on my own." I could be wrong. But I think at least some people would count 10 years of piano lessons as "official training."

If shared some anecdotal evidence of how much the piano meant to you, then the reader would more easily buy into your story. As it was, I don't think you've ever mentioned your passion for playing the piano in any previous posts, nor have you really shared that side of you with me. Think of it this way: anyone can SAY anything they'd like, but if you really want to convince people, you'll have to SHOW us.

Otherwise, good post. I enjoyed reading it as I always do.

10:00 AM


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