Monday, November 20, 2006

Sweet Dreams

Ive been losing track of reality.

I think i let my imagination loose too much. Now my dreams are dictating what reality is.

I never believe my dreams. Some tell the truth, the others ones deceive me.

My mind chewed its leash off and is running away from me.


Going back to sleep.

Sweet Dreams, everyone...........

and so it shall be.........

Sunday, November 12, 2006


"Where do you get those lighters that stay lit up?" Jed asks.

"What do you mean?" I respond.

Were all sitting in Roy's room, watching a rerun of "Taxi". We're at the scene where the woman throws a Zippo lighter into the dumpster.

" There, right there, how come it says lit even though she takes her hand off the ignition wheel thingy?" Jed asks.

"Umm.........its a Zippo" Roy and I answer.

" NO!, Not her jacket, the lighter, where can we get those?"

"......a Zippo lighter...."

" What the fuck? Zippers dont light anything"

"ZIPPO!! ZIPPO!!" Roy and I start screaming at him. "ITS CALLED A ZIPPO LIGHTER!!!!!"

"Oh............wait....where can you get them again?"