Wednesday, February 27, 2008


We have just started this wonderful play. Although i cannot understand the true meaning of his words, I use the "No Fear Shakespeare" in order to actually understand what the fuck Macbeth is about.

I have fond memories of my brother doing a video on this. Let us speak of it no more.

Because now I have to create a video with my friends on a scene of Macbeth.

Stars, hide your fires!
Let not light see my black and deep desires- Macbeth*

*so far my favorite quote

Monday, February 25, 2008


A friend. A playmate. A family member.

He was all of them. He was there when I needed a break from the hectic human world. Together we would run freely around the neighborhood. While i would enjoy the sights, he would boldly mark his territory.

As a playmate he would not understand the rules of the game. Instead he would create them. He would modify the conventional game of "Fetch" into a game of "I dare Clyde to take this ball out of my mouth!" We would then struggle for the ball, snarling and staring each other down.

A family member. There is no doubt he was. He was a part of our dinners. He was a part of the holidays. He was the most committed, i daresay, because he was there on EVERY holiday.

He was also a part of the everlasting love of our family. I am fortunate to have such a caring family that depends and supports one another. He was no exception, giving us the unconditional love that we as humans struggle to give.

I regret to say that this friend, this playmate, this family member has passed away. On the night of his death, I heard him howl his last words. I simply ignored them, but the sound of his Death Cry will stay with me.

It will not haunt me, because I am sure he was giving his last goodbye.

I will miss you Baekom.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

No Longer a Throne

Damn, this chair is comfy, i've forgotten how it feels to be sitting here.

However, things aren't right with this chair anymore.

1. Its too high. Now that i'm a little bit older i realize that as a writer i cannot express myself as if I'm preaching. (Thank you big bro).

2. Its too rigid. I realize that arrogance was
one of my traits back in the old days. Lets call them the Dark Ages, and bring some light into the present situation.

3. It was in a cramped room. Now, it does not matter what my audience is. This writing is solely for me to express my thoughts and stories. I consider this a public journal where i will try to entertain an audience, if present.

Therefore, i do not call this writing chair a throne. This is not a chair that will demonstrate my mastery of the English language. Instead, let us call this a living room couch. Let it seat whoever is willing to sit down with me and listen to my stories.

Let us begin with a familiar phrase...

And so it begins....