The Past, Present, And Future
Every aspect of life is in one of these categories according to time. The past is what we already accomplished, the present is what we are working on, and the future is what we want to accomplish in our later lives.
The past is part of our reputation but now all of it. It influences us to be a better person and try to make our past better along with our reputation.
The past, I think does not matter in the present. All it does is make a label for what you did and what people thought of you in the past. Past matters..........but do not judge someone of theirs.
The present is what we are doing. Life is all about choices. Temptations and doing whats right is the big decisions. The present is deciding which path to go to. The present decides what your past will be like and your future will be. It decides what kind of life you will have in the future.
The future is the thing that has everyone worried. The future is never certain, even if we plan it something can come up. The future can be secured, but not accurately predicted. The thing about the future is that we all worry about it. Will I get a raise? Am i going to get a job? Will i pass my driver license test?
We all think about the future and snap back to our present to make our future better. Our future depends on our reputation and the outcomes of the decisions that we make. What does your future look like?
"If we were logical, the future would be bleak indeed. But we are more than logical. We are human beings, and we have faith, and we have hope, and we can work"
We must all have hope and faith in our future. For that determines what kind of lives we lead.
And in the it shall be
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