Thank You
I'm sure all of you have already heard of the giant wall of water that killed over 20000 people. And I'm sure, that by now you have already opened up all of your presents. But how many of you thought of writing a thank you note? Be glad that even if you do get crappy gifts to remember how the people in indonesia feel. How does it feel to have everything you own destroyed? Everything lost, maybe even your family. Being orphaned in 3 hours by one catastrophic event. I hope we never expeirience it, so be thankful of what you have. Be thankful that theres no winds piercing yor clothes.
I am thankful that I have the priviledge of having a computer and typing this for your eyes. Theres millions of other lives i couldve lead but this is the one i was stuck in and this is the one that i will stay with. So write a thank you note to your grandma, older brother, or even your friends. Just tell everyone thank you for making up the person you are today.
And so it shall be..........Happy Holidays and have a Happy New Year. And for all the other Koreans.....SEBEH!!!WOOT!!!
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