I'm here to prove that MTV is God to a lot of idiots that have an identidy crisis. I was listening to 102.7 and they had this top ten song list everyday on 9:00 or something. On Wednesday, #1 was Candy Shop. The next day i hear Jared yelling out " I TAKE YOU TO THE CANDY SHOP!"
And then, that night, i hear some song, i forgot what it was called but it doesnt matter. The next day i hear Julia repeating the chorus of the song.
Idoits...........cant decide what to do so they rely on what other people do. In 2098, seriously, MTV is going to be what Wal-Mart is to us right now. When i have arthritis when im 106 and use a cane, im gonna hear some conversation that goes like this.
" Hey, did you here what was the #1 song on MTV? I need to tell the other."
" Yeah, i think it was called, Imadumass"
" Thanks man, does it suck?"
" I think it sux, but dont tell anyone or else i might lose my rep"
Right now, personally, about 80, no, 95% repeat whats hot. At school right now, if you have a mind of yourself, you can go fuck yourself cuz no one cares anymore. Independence is dead...........Looks like im one of the only ones still standing that doesnt bow down to MTV mighty ass.
.......After everything............And so it shall be
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