Back to Haunt Me
Whenever something happens, i try to let it stay behind of me. Usually it stays back there in my past. And sometimes it pops up unexpectedly to haunt me.
For instance, Nulee remembered when i had to wear a traditional Korean garment. It was pink. And she still remembered and told all of her friends................bleh, doesnt really matter anymore.
But then something that will rename unamed came up, and now 3 girls are following me all lunch.
Dammit, whatever happens i wish would stay behind me. Sometimes your past will come back to haunt you.
Life is one big circle..........with a few chain links inside.
And so it shall be...........
ya man i know what you mean...the same shit happens to me too
9:52 PM
are u quiting tkd that wat i heard from josh
3:41 PM
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