Wednesday, March 01, 2006


After coming back from Fry's with a new case for my new 5th Gen Video Ipod, i flip my ipod around for any smear marks i could clean.

As i looked at the mtallic side of it, i noticed that my face is distorted, like when you look into a spoon. I look at it from various angles, watching my nose strech or observing my mouth widening even more.

I smile at my little discovery, and watch as my smile gets twisted by the metallic reflections. I twirled my ipod around, watching my face refract into many weird images, but in every one of them i was still smiling.

I think its the same about our life.

No matter weird it gets, how distorted the world might be, its still your life. I think that even though it may seem that everything is out of place ( and maybe it is) there is still reason for it.

I look back on my ipod. My smirk looks straight at me with menacing eyes.

Oh well, its still a smile.

I think thats a good start.......

And so it shall be.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this blog truely shows how wonderful you are at writing...

9:37 PM


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