Saturday, February 11, 2006


Turns out i wasnt able to get my "Flying body" project approved.

But i did it anyways for fun.

Hello!!! Meet my old car. It was a Honda Oddessey before it got blown up............multiple times

Meet Edward. Edward is a local Combine Soldier. He is going to be our test subject!
OH NOES!!! Here comes the car!!!Ooooo...................ow....

Yeah, his body is all the way in the back. The body next to the burnt circles........thats actually my body when i accidentally let the car whack me..........

I think this was the most fun i had doing homework.........well, not really homework.........

And so it shall be........


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey man that's pretty sad...can't you make a screen shot with like blood everywhere? cause then that would be awesome. Hey when i buy my friend's account, ill play you aztec wo that you can get Pwned my a noob. HAHAHAHAHA. aright catch ya latr

PS what should i get you for you're bday?

10:16 PM


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