Sunday, February 05, 2006


Well, maybe not Physics itself, but messing around with it is.

For instance, theres this game called 'Half-Life 2' that i have. Its been dubbed 'Best PC game ever' by about 50 magazines.

The thing thats unique about Half-life 2 is that the physics are almost true to life.

In other games, when someone dies, they just drop to the floor.

But in HL2, you can blow someone out the window and watch their body tumble out and hit the fence on the way down.

Im a little sadistic bastard with the physics in this thing.

There this program that bascially turns HL2 into a playground.

Here i do my little 'expeiriments' such as:

-Blowing up people

-Smashing cars into people

-Doing that "Pendulem of Doom" thing from Edgar Allen Poe thing for real

-Dropping cars and other large objects on people

-Placing them on top of a rickety bridge and them proceed to bomb the shit out of them

-Cut them in half with a sawblade

-Pin them into a wall with a harpoon.

Yes, HL2 is where i can releash my inner sadistic bastard without realy hurting anyone (in real life that is)

So, ive decided for my Science Fair project to see how far a human body will travel with hit by various objects.

These will include

-Wooden crats



-Iron poles ( The huge ones)


-Explosive Barrels

I will do this by freezing stuff in place, and then dropping them at high speeds.

For instance, using HL2, i made this little scene

Yes, you can go ahead and call me a nerd. But still, being able explode, crush, blow away, stab, chop in half people is fun.

I am so messed up in the head.

But remember boys and girls......PHYSICS IS FUN!!!!

And so it shall be...........


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