Thursday, March 16, 2006


While i did my Andrews essay, i mostly just put on music and twirled around in my chair to get the idea started.

I would just put on "Forget it" or "She's like Heroin" and start spinning around in my chair to think of ideas. After getting bored of this, i went on my knees on my chair, and looked backwards over the back of my chair.

My chair basically looks like this, except not so fancy, and i can lean back in it. So while facing backwards on my knees, i shift my weight and lean forward.

I do not recommend this at home.

At first i face the wall, then i shift my weight, and all of a sudden i went SLAM into the ground. My chair flipped over on top of me while my face was dug into the carpet.

Sadly, i didnt get any good ideas from slamming my head into the ground. But i did learn something.

Dont lean forward while facing backwards..............

And so it shall be........


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha wat a loser!!haha when i first started reading i was like please no...he better not be making a whole entry on his chair...he better fall...and then u fell...haha that was great. ahh the joys of u falling on ur face....priceless.

9:04 PM


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