Sunday, July 30, 2006

basic outline of what ive done so far

day 3 of my super awesome uber 1337 kick ass trip/bonanza/city tour/some other generic word that i can think of at 2:12 AM

yes thats right, its 2:12 AM and im typing this on my bros labtop, wow, just fucking incredible

anyways so far ive

-got the shit scared out of me by a Muslim taxi driver

-saw ground zero

-went to the top of empire state building

-got to spit off of it

-got to get kicked out of it

-ate my first gyro, which as pretty good

-had pizza, new york style.....doesnt really live up to its hype

- had real hardcore indian food. You know, the kind that cab make your balls sweat.

-subway breaks are horrible sounds.

-walked, walked, and walked, and then took the subway

-waited, waited, waited, and then took the subway

ok, yeah, thats all for now

and so im about to turn in at Super Motel 8, yeah thats right, Motel 8......


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