Plain As Day
On the bus we still had the same nazi for the bus driver. The same driver that always assigns seats and checks bus passes. And even has the nerve to kick off anyone she pleases or doesn’t have a pass. Well, on the bus it got a little better. And then Daniel abused the privilege. When the bus driver talked about football and how she liked the Cowboys football team, Daniel yelled "COWBOYS SUCK! WOOT!" All then I remember was a brake and Daniel almost having to be walking home. 10 minutes later he says it again........this guy is asking for it. He’s basically positioning his ass at the bus driver foot. This time she ignores it and wow, damn he’s lucky. But then this other kid starts asking for it. He trying to be some kind of *gansta* and then he winds up being slapped by everyone that got off the next stop ( including me) And I was next on the list but I remembered what happened the two other times. I tried to throw the rock at the gansta guy that now has his whole face red but once i jumped she honked her horn. I stopped................i didn’t need anymore trouble. I had my share of laughs and bitchslaps so I’m gonna stick with what i got.
But plain as day, don’t act like a retard...........TWICE. Or you WILL get slapped or kicked off the bus. Or both...........depends on how many times you are a retard and how good you are at it.
That’s my story, plain as day............and so it shall be
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