Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Today was the day that 1000 people came to my blog. Heres just some stats about it. Next goal: 7777

October 19- First blog, ' Time'

6 monthes is the time from my 1st blog to now

average people coming to my blog daily-5.5

Total blogs i have made- 200, estimating.

People that came to my blog from 10:00 P.M yesterday to 10:00 P.M today - 64

People that have visited my blog while i was typing this, 8.

The three numbers i hate the most, 666

One of my all time best posts, 'Is Reality Real?' If you want to read it, this is the link

Its the one is green text.

There it is, ok...........And so it shall be..........


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