Sunday, October 31, 2004

One Group, One Knock

Today we got one huge ass candy bag for all the kids to get from us.........ok.....5 kids actually in one knock. I shouldve gave them the whole friggin bag but I expected more pplz.

Which brings me to my next topic of the evening.......endurance.

People give up WAY to easily. was windy today. Well guess what? I spent 2 hrs on my comp to get a better ram inside. I thought I was gonna stay up till 12 to finish it. I bet if I got some else in my place do it they'd be like, " screw going home" And yet im kept going at it and now my work has payed off. I no longer have to close every damn application just to make another to stop lagging.

People dont want to do work, they just want the results. Every trait adds up to something. Endurance doesnt mean walking just cuz ur tired.
Endurance isnt giving up on ur science test tomorrow cuz u cant spell austrolopithius. If ur tired of least jog. if u cant spell it......practice until ur hand hurts. And thats excactly what ppl are afraid of......pain.

Well whats the point of life if u dont risk the chance of it? Are u going to stay in ur little room waiting for something to happen? Are you going to hide under ur covers cuz u think u might get a papercut from getting the mail?

Get up and over. Sure u should take precations but u dont have to hunt for things to go wrong. Ppl keep doing this and soon they're going to hunt for mines in the middle of the street before they drive their cars to work.
The madness has to stop. People have to accept the fact that pain is part of life. And endurance will help u get through it fast enough that u dont hafta worry about it.

Hang in pays off in the end. As So it Shall Be.

Saturday, October 30, 2004


Patience is a very valuable virtue, a possession that should not be lost. Something that people should have, and if not then those people should be stayed away from. People are losing more of their patience because they don't need it. For ex. internet used to be always 56k and people were used to 3 minute page downloads. Now theres 956k and people don't have patience for even 10 second page downloads. Or take cooking. Back in the day people waited for 10 minutes for their meal to heat. Now it takes 2. People Darwin said. But sometimes not in a positive way.

The negative impacts on not needing patience are people honking at people crossing the streets. Cursing at their car to go faster when they have 50 minutes to get where there going when they only need 10. Urging and urging everything to get faster.

Parents are a great example. Always trying to find ways to get their kids smarter without having to wait a couple of years of school. People want NOW! never later. Even on AIM some people expect me to answer every friggin second when I have other things to do.

I hope people slow down enough to adapt enough patience to wait for their morning coffee to boil. And even then, people throw their coffee makers out the window cuz they don't make it fast enough.

And yet still, i hope it shall be.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Buy Your Life for $65

I read this article that one man bought 65 bucks worth of softwares and was able to find his friends password to his email address, his address, phone number, parents, and previous addresses, and all of his friends email addresses. And now im thinking who whould put all of our information on the internet? And its legal? So anyone can just ask for my friends name and they would know who i am, where i live, and what my personal data is? What happened to privacy? What happened to its my life and not yours? Why is this even legal? If this is how robbers know when your on vacation then isnt the government supposed to shut it down? The guy even found an picture of the house he lives in. Wow...............that is pretty crazy.

Then again everything is public.......celeberties weddings and prosecutions are always public. Do you personal think that they want their wedding caught on national television? Dont u think that the press might be bothering them for once?

Anyways people have no privacy anymore..........along with their common sense. And their self dignity.....................and their passion...................and their motivation.......and even their sense on what do people have now? I'll tell you. All they have is a belief that everything will change on its own and that everything will turn for the better without them interfering. All they have is knowledge of a simulation on their computer.

that is all.........and so it shall be..............

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Paying Attention......To Whom I ask?

Paying attention to someone can be the most annoying thing in all the world. Paying attention in math is easy cuz u never want to be caught by Kallet hald asleep. Maybe your little sister/brother is screaming and yelling to get noticed.Or that other kid at school that runs around yelling peoples names for no apparent reason. It seems that we only pay attention to papers that contain who were going with to Catalina or what scores we got on the tests. I dont think anyone pays attention to the teacher anymore.

For example, in Johnson, i said one bad word by mistake and 10 other ppl are like POTTYMOUTH! POTTYMOUTH! POTTYMOUTH!POTTYMOUTH! POTTYMOUTH! POTTYMOUTH!POTTYMOUTH! POTTYMOUTH! POTTYMOUTH!. The first person to notice this was Julia who hates me for no apparent reason and turns around all the time to say that she hates me.............................and then theres michael. He says crap all the time and yet hes joining Julia and Jordan saying it. Wow, the pottymouth here. And now they pay attention to me? What? just cuz im asain i have to be perfect? o by the way michaels white. Jeez.......and now the "banished me" to the HORRIBLE SHAME TABLE! .............................................yeah. Sure i admit it i said shit when i dropped something but dont tell me u never said anything bad in ur life. Ok, maybe you didnt say shit but i bet u talked bad about some1.

And so we pay attention to the bad stuff that people do............nobody noticed the good in people. Everyone is looking for dirt on that kid. Everyone looks for an excuse to make fun of that girl. Have you ever here of anyone in your school trying to find something good about someone else?......yeah maybe 1 or 2............

Wow, what is the world paying attention to? And i hope it shall be.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Guns + Society = Dead Innocent People

The NRA for those of you that don't know, is the National Rifles Association. This group is funded by the government, its an indepentdant gun fanatic club whose only purpose is to let every american have any gun they want. I think these people are barbarians. I dont think any type of firearm should be sold. BB guns arent firearms so they are excluded. Im ok with those. But seriously, why do u need guns? Yeah.......sure, a robber will come in with a gun and kill you. With what? A knife? probaly but dont robbers normally have guns? And do u know where they buy the guns? At a local gun store......LEGALLY. See, is people didnt sell guns then there wouldnt be any gun murders. Hunting rifles.....thats another story. I think that the only gun that can be legally bought is a hunting rifle. Because no one can just walk to school with a friggin rifle poking out the back of his shirt. Im sure most of you know the Columbine shootout. For those of you who dont know....Columbine was a normal school in a normal community. Then 2 kids with guns killed students with LEGALLY bought guns. This is messed up. And shortly after the NRA had a meeting to support guns against the city's will. This is an act that all gun owners should be aware of. Instead they go around whooping their hearts out when not to long ago a couple of kids killed some other kids. I remeber hearing about the 2nd grader that brought a .9mm caliber to school and killed another 2nd grader. This is @$%@#$ up. And yet again shortly after the NRA had a pro gun rally there. Whats wrong with people and guns? Whats the use of a machine gun? Other than a driveby shooting i cant think of any. A rifle can be used for hunting and i think and better than pistols because u cant sneak one anywhere easily. And pistols......i dont know. I personally dont see the use for one. Even if u did protect yourself with a pistol its still kinda useless.

Nowadays everyone has a gun and it pisses me off. Everyone thinks now that guns are cool.........i think so cool. But they still should have limit. Guns in the hands of the public, especially when theres people that just want to kill this guy. And this is normally how kids shoot guns at other kids. They just joke around about killing this kid and then the kid picks on him soooo badly that the kid that was picked on just does everything to steal a gun or buy one.

I think the gun laws need to change. And there is hope that it shall be.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Is Reality Real?

Reality seems to be somthing you must possess to experience. Many people choose not to see reality. They turn away from it, or its something to painful to remember. Reality is that slap in the face when ur life becomes too dreamy. Its that morning coffee that makes you wide awake and aware that there is a world around you.

Reality is a scary thing. Some choose to accept it but try to avoid it at all times. These are the people that dont really care what their friends are doing. This is about 15% of the population of the USA. If u need an example.....Bush is probaly a good one.

Then theres people who choose to live by its rules and do everything inside reality. These people are the ones to seek for advice. Have at least on as your friend. About 5% of population.

Now theres the people who live in Candyland all their lives. These are the people who never felt pain and never felt bad about anything because they choose not too. Most people are these kind of people. U know at least 10. If not, then ur one of these people also. Or......ur one of those people who stay on their computer all day long waiting for some1 to message them. These type of people consist of......o..57%.

Now theres the people that seek reality. They came from the stage form not believing anything to trying to find out whats real. These people tend to be touchy and dont talk very often. These are the people that sometimes start trouble in the community. Thankfully, theres only 8% of them.

Then theres the people who live in both realms. The people who try to see everything in 2 different lights. They see whats bad and whats good. They see what can happen and what is totally fantasy. Most people have at least one of these people as a friend. They tend to be faithful to their religion and are moderately superstitious are also good people to talk to. They make up.......about 10% of the world.

And now ur wondering....well? which one am I? Well, I am one of those people who see in 2 lights, I preferably lean toward one side than the other but still give my perspectives equal chances.

Which one are you? Do u avoid all possible outcomes of life by being scared of it? Or are you seeking the real thing behind all of these fake things nowsdays. Things today are becoming too unrealistic. People are hallucinating and pretend that theres some1 behind that door. Are one afraid to turn that knob? Or are you ready to expierience life with no filters to protect you?

Think about it..........And soon it shall be clear

Monday, October 25, 2004

Younger and Younger

People these days have everything at such a young age. 5 years ago cell phones were only 18 and up. Now even elementary kids have them. Speaking of that whats with the things some girls where today. They look like there training to be sluts. Seriously how can a society function when a 36 year old guy asks a 10 year old girl to go with him.......Personally i see no function a cell phone can give you. Why would u need one? I think when ur in high school getting a cell is ok but when u cant even sit in the front seat of the car y do u need one? And computers......i know a kid who cant even type yet and he has one huge ass comp. I dont know whats with parents and that. Even i have a photo printer when i wanted to get a scanner, copier, and printer in one. I need all of those. Seriously......... A photo printer is fine but its not like im gonna take digital pics of everyone. I think people are taking the term ' Being Prepared' a little to seriously. I think people shouldnt have what they dont really need. Like a cell phone the only thing its good for is ringing off in Kallets room and being screamed at by your teacher to turn the damn thing off. And a little kid having a computer is like giving a trainee marine a control of the whole friggin army. And yet people arent bothered by this. Why? u ask why? cuz they considerate luxury. I dont think they wrong but the way kids are handling it its not luxury anymore......its an annoyance

Aight thats all for today. Dont worry....ill write a new one tomorrow. And it shall be tomorrow

Sunday, October 24, 2004


A lot of the time you never want to do something because it requires energy rite? Admit it u never want to do any labor cuz u dont have the energy to go on. Well i have the energy to wake up in the morning and not be tempted to fall back asleep. Im sure all of you have fallen asleep again after u woke up for like 5 minutes. After i wake up i just knock whatever sense i have in my body with a cold spray of water. Then i just stumble down those stairs, eat like a forkful of eggs and then yank that door open and go to the bus stop. Then i can home all tired.........jump on the bed and wish i already did all my hw so i can go to sleep.

Now im sure all of you have done this at least 10 times in ur life. If u havent then u have enough energy to take on king kong. How active are you? This generation of mine and the ones after it are getting more obese and things dont look good for the next ones. Geez....when i went to the store to get a styrofoam ball i saw like 10000 families going to our local buffet with their huge fat ass kids. Damn u need a friggin tow truck to lift one of those dads. And probaly a crane to pick up one woman. She was in a wheerchair she was so fat. Y isnt she on a diet? Geez like 70% of americans are getting there pounds on and want them off but they just keep friggin eating. Ok i went a little off topic but those people have enough energy to light up all of California. Its those people who shouldnt wake up in the morning all groggy. Its those people who shoudnt stumnle off the stairs. Or actaully their too fat so they pretty much break every step going down. But works in some pretty weird ways. Does it not?

Thanks for looking in.............and so it shall be.............


Innovation............thats a word I dont hear anymore.........Innovation is dead, along with romance and the hope that people with common sense will be born again. I never see anyone thats inspired anymore. Just people that sway back and forth from last nights $5 vodka. Whatever happened to the society that had class? Even Beverly Hills is dying out. And Calabasas, ok I can give them credit for class but they aint got manners. Damn, everyone in Calabasas sues each other. I'm starting to think thats how the people got to live there anyways. Anyways no one is enthusiatic about anything anymore. I hope that i would never see the day when people stand around looking at the sky like something will just pop out. Are you one of these kind of people? Are you one of those people that just wait for an oppurtunity to come by and drag along? If so.......u better get off that chair and try to resurrect that dead innovation thats still inside you.

And so it shall be........if u try.

P.S from now on it will be from neptune with love in the ending sentence. My bro told me not to jack his title so i made my own.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Somewhere in That Thing

I am going to put 2 entries in the same day this time. Even after all day at my taekwondo studio with all those screaming, kicking, little rascals and even after my weekly korean school lessons with yelling 11 year olds thats steal from each other......i still have hope that i will find some kid that isnt messed up from the other. Then id like friggin make sure that kid can make it being an adult without being poisoned. People nowadays dont care about people. They care about possesion. Money, fame, cars, luxury. Thats all they want to have. I mean, dont we know more about cars that the people in our school? Dont women know the best place to shop and dont know who has the best personality? And all i hear when im in my permanemt seat in what color girls should get their nails done. I never hear about how they are doing personally. I think this is going to be the last blog that i mention this kind of issue but still everyone cares about when there going to get their cell phones and what car they're gonna have. When i hear little kids talking about LIFE and not the kin they read in a magazine titled "Style" Then maybe ill can get used to this kind of evoltuion. Even if it isnt prefect.

Again......from neptune, with love.

As the World Turns Black

My title represents two things that are happening. One is that my vision is getting bad and two, the world is getting worse. At my weekly lesson at my korean school a lot of kids just run around thinking they could do anything. What happened to being modest and being quiet once in a while? This kid, big dude sits in back of me while the other stout kid sits next to me. Then the small, fat, abnoxious fry keep hitting me and now im like what the hell are u doing? He keeps kicking and says some tough crap and thinks that he'll get away with it. Whats with this younger world today? What happened to staying in ur league? What happened to being quiet and not kick people for the hell of it? Then the kids mom comes in.....she looks like ur average housewife mom. And yet her son is ur now average little mayham maker going crazy at the site of fighting but loves to imitate it. What the hell happened i tell you? Geez even in my school people cant do crap by themselves, take that kid Darious he goes and says hes gonna tell his Dad to sue us. God and all the people older than us are sticking up for themselves, what happened in one year that caused a whole herd of jackasses? So i sit there in korean school looking at the clock ticking and waiting for the hand to hit 12. All the while everyones screaming their head off and stealing pencils from everyone else. Darwin said that evolution happens. If this is evolution....i dont want to know what the end of the human race will look like. Maybe the 5 kids from the 10000000 kids that arent messed up will take over. Or maybe those 5 kids will get killed by the other 99999995 clueless freaks and then those guys will kill the world itself. So, as the world turns black. What will happen to the few of us that are pure?

And so ends this entry. Until tomorrow, From Neptune, with love.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Weak People

This is the sequel to my other blog about my generation. I just came back from my daily ritual of 2 hrs or Taekwondo at my studio. Everytime i go its always full of people that damn joke around. And guess what, there from the what i call the "messed up generation" , u know the generations after us. So this messed up generation kicks.......horribly.......their parents read the newspaper and i wondor, How the hell can u let ur kid be like this? Seriously they are pathetic at kicking and stuff. This really fatass, name's Richard, hes a OBESE mexican that can lose weight if u tries. Its hard enough to not laugh at his kicks, picture a kid with white pants, tan skin, and a body soooo HUGE that in sparring, u can kick just about anywhere and ull hit him. I think he can lose weight if he makes the effort........right now when we do rolls he just walks to the other end of the studio..........sad..........what a fag. Anyways all the people that are my age and older take this more seriously, we fight better, we practice hard, and we actually do REAL push ups, HAHAHA, Richard doing pushups is the must crappiest thing i ever saw. He like humps the ground and then just falls down. Anyways, even people my age like Peter, he can fight but he fights like a offense man but u do. And the sad part is when i see the little kids fight they laugh while there kicking....Im serious.....its like there saying YAY IM KICKING UR ASS! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Oh my god its annoying. And they always think their tough and kick u in the leg then fall down and cry. Pathetic. Anyways I always sparr the 18 year olds. Its CRAZY. But still, even we are pretty equal. Sometimes this generation and the ones after it suprises me. In the 100000000 kids that i see fooling around and going crazy, theres 5 kids that can actually think and fight. Every time i see one of those kids i think how hard they work. Thats the end of this blog. Basically what im saying is that people need to work harder. Even if u do have a maid and 50 other slaves at ur disposal u should learn what the vaule of labor is. Till next time, from neptune, with love

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Today was a good day....on the bus anyways......We got a new driver and we got to anything we wanted. So.......we made fun of Darious, took his pens and pencils and pens and then threw them out the window. And we also threw bottles and a lolipop stick at him. Then at the end he starts going like OMFG IM GONNA SUE ALL OF YOU!

Which brings me to my next topic. wtf is with ppl these days?
What happened to standing up for urself and showing ppl what ur made out of? The generation after us cant to crap and my generation, half of them always rely on friends, which most of them cant, then generation before us though can stand up for themselves and they dont take crap from no one. Whats wrong with my generation and the ones before it?

Why the hell is everyone getting fatter and shorter at a younger age? When will the madness stop? Yeah yall might think im getting a little crazy but seriously, who the hell fights for themselves anymore?

aight thanks for checking it out, from neptune, with love

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


Some people are annoying, some nice, and some just plain crazy. Take a boy i know named Darious for example. He is one of the most annoying kids ever born. His only purpose is to say some random stuff and try to make some1 laugh. Its even more sadder that he says more random stuff and no1 laughs and just stares at him. Here is an example of a........sad......very sad.......kid.....Max Shui is ur average Chinese kid. One thing. Hes a geek. No seriously. Those who arent in my school, one look and ull be jacking a bus and going home. He repeats ur name over and over and over.....ex. HI CLYDE,HI CLYDE,HI CLYDE,HI CLYDE,HI CLYDE ARE U KOREAN?ARE U KOREAN?ARE YOU KOREAN? omg im just running away from him. every day i see him standing in the same spot following random people and getting pushed back in his spot. Sad. It is. aight.....takes for looking in. until next time! im out, from neptune, with love

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Time ur worst enemy. It is never ur friend. And now u are asking urself what i am talking about. Ill tell you. Time is never ur friend. Think about when you thought time is ur friend......think hard......if u thought of having a good time at ur friends house u r worng.....y? u ask y? because you always think about how much time there is left. What time it is. What time u hafta leave. Now ur thinking i dont get it.........When its time to go u moan.....or if ur having a bad time u find out u have to stay at that damn party for 8 more hours. u ask y i post this......i post this becuz when u sit in ur pernament seat while all around u girls are talking about where they got their nails done......u start to wondor how much time there is until its ur stop.